Seven years ago (2004), World Health Organization gathered data from the different parts of the world on recorded deaths and their causes and come up with the Top 10 Causes of Deaths in the World. A total of 59 million died that year.
Coronary Heart disease comes No. 1 in the list with 7.2 million deaths followed by cerebrovascular diseases and so on.
Adding the percentages on the third column would tell us that about 50% (less the percentage of deaths due to accidents) of the recorded deaths in the world are due to these diseases. Diseases that are totally preventable.
Of the 50.3%, 96% are caused by these preventable diseases and only about 4% to road traffic accidents. From these, we could say, that we are likely to get killed of sickness than accident. That somehow gave us certainties.
These percentages would even increase with the increasing cost of health insurance. Making more people susceptible to these diseases since they don't go for check-ups which would detect these preventable diseases. They don't see a doctor until they're coughing up blood, or their spouse calls 911. So the first doctor he/she sees is the Emergency Room doctor. Then they expect a miracle cure to drag them back from the portals of death.
Who should be responsible for your health? You.
One out of every ten Americans can not name a single risk factor in diabetes. That's the crime. Lack of awareness, is the cause of lack of responsibility.
You need to be educated about our health. What causes disease and what prevents disease.
You don't catch these diseases that kill 96% of us from a door knob or a toliet seat- you cause these diseases by what you put in your mouth and/or what you don't put in your mouth.
Logically, how could it be anything else?
World Health Organization (WHO) 2004
Health Awareness Foundation
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